About david cantor

“I sing from the soul and use my voice to be your storyteller”
Cantor David Goldschmidt is a Jewish wedding ceremony singer. He lives in Miami, Florida and sings in chuppot all over the world. His voice is both soft and powerful, fusing traditional chazanut with opera and modern pop sounds.
Cantor David was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia, where his father, Rabbi Alfredo Goldschmidt, has been the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish community for the over 40 years. “My father is my singing role model. I am always amazed by how many people he has touched with his accordion and voice. As a cantor, I aspire to continue my father’s legacy of ‘lesameach chatan and kallah (making the bride and groom happy.)’ When I got married, I sang to my wife as she walked down the aisle. After the ceremony, one of my male wedding guests told me something that has shaped who I am as a singer: ‘I haven’t cried in 20 years until tonight. Your voice touched me in a way I didn’t think possible.’ Since then, I have strived to have similar impact during every chuppah I am blessed to participate in. My goal as a chazzan is to inspire the bride, groom and guests to connect with the emotion, holiness, tradition and romance of the Jewish wedding ceremony.”
Accompanied by a live band, Cantor David sings during the processional and under the chuppah. His most famous song is Boi Kala (The Bride’s Serenade), sung to the bride as she walks down the aisle and into the chuppah. “If there’s one thing I have learned as a ceremony singer is that every bride and groom has a story. Before the wedding, I interview the chatan (groom) and kallah (bride) and try to capture the essence of what makes them unique. My mission is to give the couple’s love story a voice. I make sure that all eyes are on the bride and that her special moment is romantic, spiritual and unforgettable.”